#LoveStories for Neighbors

#LoveStories for Neighbors

The world is full of love! #LoveStories celebrates that love. Each day in February, tell a story about someone who has made your life a little lighter. Better yet, share that story with them.

Love thy neighbor! Today we celebrate neighbors. What is your best neighbor story?

Share your story in the comments or on my Facebook Page. ​#sharethelove

A few years back I had a downstairs neighbour. We lived in a duplex and shared the backyard. Every summer, we would have backyard BBQs. We set up tables in the backyard and eat, told stories and played board games. As the sun settled, we would wash dishes together, get out the blankets and watch the day end. She has left our fine planet, but we won’t soon forget those moments and I still think of her when I sit in the yard.

The past few summers, I have started Wine on the Porch Sundays with some close friends. I relish those summer evenings when we eat, sip wine and talk about life. As night draws near, the blankets come out and we often pile onto the porch swing and watch the sunset. Life is beautiful when you have good wine and good friends to share it with.

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1 thought on “#LoveStories for Neighbors”

  1. Pingback: #LoveStories - Melody Owen

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