#LoveStories celebrates the good people who make a difference. Tell a story about someone who has made your life a little lighter. Better yet, share that story with them.
Today we celebrate teachers, mentors, coaches and anyone who has taught you something or changed your perspective, making a difference in your life. Tell us your best teacher story.
Share your story on my Facebook Page. #sharethelove
Time for Change
When I was in grade nine, I had a gruff English teacher, who also was 6 feet tall and 200 pounds. He spoke with a thick German accent. I don’t understand German but it sounded scary coming from him. Everything sounded scary coming from him. Add to that, I was an angry and mouthy teenager.
One day he held me back after class because I’d said something rude, not unusual for me. I landed up swearing at him and running out of the classroom, him in hot pursuit. My friend, watching the drama unfold, was screaming ‘Run. Run.’ as I hightailed it out of there.
Later that night, the phone rings. I knew that was it. I was in so much trouble. No teacher ever called my house to tell my mother what a wonderful kid I was. My mother passed me the phone. I didn’t want to talk to him, but I had no choice. I picked up the receiver expecting to receive a torrent of abuse for my poor behavior.
Instead, he apologized. He apologized for being gruff with me and for chasing me. He called his behaviour inexcusable. I was dumbfounded. No adult had ever apologized to me. In my world, adults were always right, no matter how wrong they were.
Before I had recovered, words I didn’t form came out of my mouth. I told him I was sorry for my behaviour and my language.
He told me I was smart and a good student with interesting ideas when I spoke up. He told me he enjoyed having me in his classroom. He wanted me back.
I told him I enjoyed reading and liked what we read in class. I told him I enjoyed writing as well.
Apparently, I was good at it.
I went back to class, and he became one of my favorite teachers of all time. I learned a great deal from him, more than any book has ever taught me.
Tell Better Stories
Would you like to tell better stories? Or maybe you would like a safe place to share your story?
Join me at an online story workshop or one of my story coaching circles.
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